Since 1994, Brd. Klee has been ISO certified after 9001:2015 standard by Norske Veritas.
KLEEdrive Motors
KLEEdrive electric motors are availible in aluminium or cast iron from 0.06 kW to 315 kW. 2-4-6-8 poles. Wirh or without increased power (tuned motors). IE1 - IE2 - IE3 - IE4. All models come standard with a PTC sensor
Could be interesting for you
AC-motors in aluminum or cast iron
KLEEdrive electric motors in IE1-IE2-IE3-IE4
In aluminum or cast iron. Top quality. Our own brand.
There are test reports on efficiency, and the Danish Technological Institute has also tested and approved the engines.
80 years in the industry
Brd. Klee A/S
Klee was founded in 1944 and listed on the OMX Stock Exchange in Copenhagen.
We live in Albertslund (Greater Copenhagen), Denmark, and offer technical solutions and components for the industry. We have around 75 employees, almost half of whom work in our sales department.
At Brd. Klee A/S we are ISO 9001:2015 certified
Competent solutions for the Industry
This is why you should use us